

Light (she/her) is believed to be the patron god of the Guardian species, as well as the god of mutation, change, and revolution. In reality, she's a Biomechos AI whose organic parts have been heavily corrupted by the virus that changed the world.

Like all of the gods, Light's infrastructure is largely underground, composed of tunnels and cables that transmit data to and from her main compound. The compound itself is difficult to find. Buried several stories underground, the location of its entrance is kept secret by her closest followers.

Writings from Elsewhere

Light is straight up an eldritch horror made of meat and machinery. Big subterranian tunnels and complexes and pipes full of nightmare fuel that people don't leave unchanged, and that some don't leave at all. There's almost definitely a person who had the walls grow into them in her tunnels. She presents herself as angelic and benevolent and pretty aboveground with holograms and other tools, but the reality is ugly beyond belief. There's a reason that only the true fanatics get to maintain her.

It's like hedge trimming, but much more fleshy and horrible. Oh, just casually crawl into the tunnels and start hacking at bits that look weird when the tunnel voices tell you to, it'll be fine. Just don't breathe too hard or get splattered in ambiguous fluids. You won't go missing in there, we promise. Tommy came back just fine after being engulfed in some weird pulsing mass last spring! Sure, he's only vaguely human-shaped now and his lips grew together, but he's happy.

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